
March 2021 (The Minor Prophets)

Directions: Find answers in Joel 1:1–4; 2:28–32; Amos 1:1; Jonah 1:2; Micah 6:6–8; Habakkuk 1:8; 2:4; 2:20; Hosea 1:2; 4:6; Zephaniah 1:1; Haggai 1:1; 1:12–14; Zechariah 1:8; 3:8; 9:9; Malachi 3:8 (answers not in order). Questions are taken from the New King James Version.

  1. What prophet did God command to marry a wife of harlotry?
  2. In Haggai, God commands the returned Jewish exiles to __________.
  3. What was Amos’ original occupation? __________
  4. What prophecy did Paul quote in Romans 1:17? __________
  5. Where did God tell Jonah to preach? __________
  6. Who prophesied that Israel’s king would come riding on a donkey? __________
  7. Peter quoted __________ on Pentecost about the outpouring of the Spirit.
  8. __________ said, “What does the Lordrequire of you but to do justly, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God?”
  9. Which prophet told God’s people to renew their tithes and offerings? __________  
  10. __________ opens his book by depicting an invasion of locusts in Israel.
  11. Zechariah has a vision of the high priest in God’s presence. What was the name of that high priest? __________
  12. The Babylonians/Chaldeans have horses swifter than __________.
  13.  The Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep __________ before him.
  14. My people are destroyed for lack of __________.
  15. Zephaniah prophesied during the reign of righteous king of Judah. __________
  16. Which Persian king was in power during the time of Haggai? __________
  17. What did Haggai criticize the people for not rebuilding? __________
  18. Zechariah saw an angel riding on a horse. Which color was the horse? __________


  1. Hosea (Hosea 1:2)
  2. Build the Lord’s house (Haggai 1:12–14)
  3. Sheepbreeder (Amos 1:1)
  4. The just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4)
  5. Nineveh (Jonah 1:2)
  6. Zechariah (Zechariah 9:9)
  7. Joel (Joel 2:28–32)
  8. Micah (Micah 6:6–8)
  9. Malachi (Malachi 3:8)
  10. Joel (Joel 1:1–4)
  11. Joshua (Zechariah 3:8)
  12. Leopards (Habakkuk 1:8)
  13. Silent (Habakkuk 2:20)
  14. Knowledge (Hosea 4:6)
  15. Josiah (Zephaniah 1:1)
  16. Darius (Haggai 1:1)
  17. House of the Lord (Haggai 1:12–14)
  18. Red (Zechariah 1:8)
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