Directions: Find your answers in Acts 1:4, 28:16; 2:5, 47; 4:36; 8:38-40; 9:11-18; 10:1; 11:26; 16:9; 16:12–34; 16:14; 17:10-11; 17:15–16; 18:1–3; 19:24-41; 20:17; 21:39; 23:31 (answers not in order). Questions are taken from the King James Version.
- In what city does the book of Acts begin, and in what city does it end? __________ & __________
- In which city did the church of Christ begin? __________
- City where Saul was converted. __________
- In which city did Demetrius the silversmith oppose Paul so that the whole city was in uproar? __________
- In which city were the people devoted both to idols and to discussing new ideas? __________
- To which city did Philip go after he baptized the man from Ethiopia? __________
- Lydia’s home. __________
- The island from which Barnabas came. __________
- The city in Achaia where Paul made tents with Aquila and Priscilla. __________
- Cornelius’s home. __________
- To what city did Paul receive a vision of a man saying, “Come over and help us”? __________
- Paul’s hometown. __________
- In which city were the disciples first called Christians? __________
- Where did Paul exhort and say farewell to the elders from the church at Ephesus? __________
- Where did Paul and Silas convert their jailor? __________
- People from here were more noble than those from Thessalonica. __________
- The place Paul was taken by soldiers to Felix the governor. __________
- Jerusalem & Rome (Acts 1:4; 28:16)
- Jerusalem (Acts 2:5, 47)
- Damascus (Acts 9:11-18)
- Ephesus (Acts 19:24-41)
- Athens (Acts 17:15-16)
- Azotus (Acts 8:38-40)
- Thyatira (Acts 16:14)
- Cyprus (Acts 4:36)
- Corinth (Acts 18:1-3)
- Caesarea (Acts 10:1)
- Macedonia (Acts 16:9)
- Tarsus (Acts 21:39)
- Antioch (Acts 11:26)
- Miletus (Acts 20:17)
- Philippi (Acts 16:12-34)
- Berea (Acts 17:10-11)
- Antipatris (Acts 23:31)