
July 2022 (Starts with the letter "O")

  1. Potiphar (Genesis 39:1)
  2. Passover (Leviticus 23:5)
  3. Peninnah (1 Samuel 1:1-4)
  4. Patmos (Revelation 1:9)
  5. Paul (Acts 13:9)
  6. Paul (Romans 16:3)
  7. Pharisees (Matthew 3:7)
  8. Pheobe (Romans 16:1)
  9. Perez (Genesis 38:29)
  10. Phinehas (Numbers 25:8)
  11. Philip (Acts 8:35-40)
  12. Peter (Matthew 8:14)
  13. Priscilla (Acts 18:2, 18)
  14. Philemon (Philemon 1:11)
  15. Publius (Acts 28:7-8)
  16. Pilate (Matthew 27:2)
  17. Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-17)
  18. Psalms
  19. Proverbs (1:1-13)
  20. Pentecost (Acts 2:1)
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